View to nothingness (2008-2012)

View to nothingness is a series created between 2008 and 2012, bringing together 36 chemical paintings made on instant photographic films. The creation process of each one of them takes into account the randomness in the generation of camera-less images, where only the start and end of the chemical reaction between an alkaline developing liquid and the two bases that make up this type of material are controlled, among other variables of the medium itself such as time, light incidence, ambient temperature, and atmospheric pressure. The NFTs minted in 2023 serve as permanent records of the high-resolution files and control of copies. The originals are pegged to the tokens at the initial sales, and ownership of these digital objects offers discounts on the purchase of signed large-format prints. Unsigned copies can be made by anyone that access tokens’ metadata.


Editions (inkjet prints on cotton paper)
150×200 cm or 200x150cm: 1 + 1 AP
126×168 cm or 168x126cm: 3 + 1 AP
60×80 cm or 80×60 cm: 5 + 1 AP
30×40 cm or 40×30 cm: 10 + 1 AP
Originais (chemical paintings on instant films)
10,2×13,1 cm or 13,1×10,2 cm
8,5×10,8 cm or 10,8×8,5 cm

NFTs (minted in 2023)
Blockchain: Ethereum
Token standard: ERC-721
Contract address: 0x9523e213d3929be2c6f48e5dafe2b8a3d4fd3e39
Digital files: JPEG, 17717×23623 px or 23623×17717 px